

Stage 0

Download the VMware vCenter Appliance ISO from VMware Downloads, and Mount it on the VM you will be deploying vCenter from.

Navigate to the installer.exe for your Operating System.

Stage 1

Click Install

Click Next

Accept the EULA, and Click Next

Select Deployment Type. For this initial lab environment, and ease of deploying, an embedded PSC is chosen. Click Next.

For the Host the VCSA is to be deployed, enter the hosts IP address, port, user, password, click Next.

Click Yes, to the SSL certificate warning. We will be fixing that later.

Assign a VM name, root password, confirm, and click Next.

Select the appropriate deployment size for the environment. For the lab Tiny is fine.

Configure the network settings. Assign addressing information, and click Next.

Click Finish to install.

Click Continue with complete.

Stage 2

Click Next

Click Next

Create a New SSO Domain. Assign a local domain name, administrator SSO Password, and click Next.

I’ve deselected participating in the customer improvement program for the lab. Click Next.

Click Finish

Click OK

Setup Stage

Open the VCSA in a browser tab https://IP, and select the client you wish to use.

Log in to the VCSA with the chosen above.

Right click on the VCSA listed on the left, and click New Datacenter, to create the first datacenter in the environment.

Assign the new datacenter a name.

Right click on the datacenter, and select Add Host, and add any hosts you have already installed.

Enter the Host’s IP address, and click Next.

Click Yes

Click Next

Click Next, to accept the Eval license, or enter your lab license.

Click Next, Lockdown Mode will be explored in another lab.

Click the datacenter, and Next.

Click Finish

The host, and any local VMs it has should be listed in vCenter.

Stage Left

Oh, things are getting exciting now. So many ways to go in the lab now. A few more core items to install like a SQL environment, Backup, and of course more Infosec stuff.

Up next Macchanger Utility, and Usage Installing the First Two Domain Controllers in the VMware ESXi 6.7 Lab Environment
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