

See and Do no Evil

I don’t speak for any employer, past, present, or future on this site.

Do Good, Enjoy Life, and Have Fun in All You Do

Hello, I’m Scott Bollinger.

I hope you enjoy the website, and find the information useful, as well as interesting. I make no warranty, and take no responsibility for how you use the information.

Some topics/tutorials, or testing, may be, illegal, or inappropriate, in your country, or for use at your place of employment.

Please make sure the information is legal to use, or possess, and that you have appropriate licensing, and permission. Make sure you have written permission for all devices, and assets you are testing against, upgrading, patching, or connected to in any way.

If you don’t own it, have it in writing!

If you have product or service, you’d like me to test, and do an honest evaluation, please contact me.

To maintain transparency, I disclose any free usage, trials, training, of any product I review or post.


Scott Bollinger / @kfalconspb