


May and June were blurs and on the first of July, 50% of 2016 was complete. It has been a whirlwind the last couple of months for both my work and irl.

I’ve had a few successes and a couple failures. I’ve taken a time off to see visiting family, survived Citrix Synergy, missed a few local user group meetings, and learned lots.

Technologies, I’ve either touched, played with, or deployed, have run the gambit as well. SAML, ADFS, RapidFire Tools Network Detective, NetScaler, Manage Engine ADAudit Pro, as well as a host of things I’m trying to research and study as back burner projects. I hope to be writing about some of them soon. Or at least some of the lessons learned.

I also picked up some extra duties for my local ISC2 Chapter that I’m excited about. I’m now managing the social media and website for the chapter. I have some great ideas and hope to talk about the challenges and successes.

Everyone have a great weekend and I’ll talk to you soon.

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