


This is the first in a series posts titled Sipping from the Info Fire Hose. Plainly put, attempting to stay abreast in technology today is like attempting to drink from a firehose. You can’t take it all in at once. The difficulty to stay abreast is increased for every technology you support. Overwhelming, even for the most seasoned professional.

I will be spotlighting content streams that I consume regularly.

The first victim or spotlight is me

The website is scott-bollinger.com. It covers many technologies, Virtualization, Storage, Networking, and generally anything I happen to be working on a the time. The past posting frequency is somewhat lacking. Ever the optimist I endeavor to rectify that!

I’m big on sharing free training or study resources. So even if you don’t like my writing style or topics, be welcome here and visit the Resources page for an ever growing list of free online resources.

Future posts will be People I follow and Blogs I read in my studies and research.

Up next 0030-t568a_and_b_cable_termination 0032-what_is_virtualization
Latest posts 0104-change-synology-password-cli 0105-free-git-ebook 0103-using-brew-bundle-to-backup-and-restore-mac-app-store-and-brew-apps Update macOS with an all in one alias Mac App Store Command Line Interface 0100-macos-softwareupdate-cli Markdown Crash Course Video What’s New with Fusion and Workstation [HCP1833] File IO in Python Overview of vSphere 7 Video 0095-what_is_iso Migrating Website HTML details Tag Microsoft RD Client iOS App 0091-create_vmware_esxi_usb_install_media Intel NUC Lab Hosts Hardware Setup 0089-installng_microsoft_sql_2016 Installing the First Two Domain Controllers in the VMware ESXi 6.7 Lab Environment 0088-deploy_vcsa_in_lab Macchanger Utility, and Usage Install a Kali Linux VM in a VMware ESXi 6.7 Environment Install Ubuntu 18.04 Virtual Machine in a VMware ESXi 6.7 Environment Install xRDP on Ubuntu 18.04 Install Chromium on Ubuntu 18.04 Install OpenSSH on Ubuntu 18.04 Install VMware Workstation 14 on Ubuntu 18.04 Nested ESXi server Laboratorium Rattus The Animal Within Who is Veeam? RSAC OnDemand Videos 0075-create_win10_sandbox_vm