

Finally Up!

When I embarked on the journey of breaking up my blog, scott-bollinger.com, into separate blogs by topic, Security, Virtualization, Network, DFIR, and General IT, I gave myself a month.

Now almost four months later, they’re finally at a point where I can start to post new content. Most of the delay was due to design choices and the learning curve to write the sites from mostly scratch.

OK, yes, I used a fork of Bootstrap, but it’s been years since I’ve edited my sites html directly. Also figuring out things like manual creation the RSS feed and Sitemap, that were automatic in my previous process.

Design Requirements

One of the main reasons to move my blog, was to avoid the Wordpress.com annual fees. Sure it’s only 100$US but hey that’s a hundred bucks! Another requirement was that I would be able to work remotely and offline.

I knew I didn’t want to go with a CMS or OS that I’d have to support and patch. So running a VPS and supporting a OS and CMS was out.

Not wanting to trade paying one vendor for another, I wanted it free. Free hosting, free design, free everything. OK, the domain registration and DNS wasn’t free, but I did consolidate everything to one Registrar.

New Setup

To host the site, I chose Github Pages again. Yep, again. However last couple of attempts with GHP was also using Jekyll, then Ghost. This time would be different, as I would be HTML5, CSS, JS and editing the code when I needed. No more WYSIWYG designing.

The fork of Bootstrap I used was Clean Blog, which gave me the basic structure. The rest of the time has been figuring out Bootstrap and how to make the custom changes I wanted.

I’m still migrating old posts to their new homes, but decided I’d do that slowly and focus on new content.

Hopefully you’ll enjoy my new spaces!

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